【同义词辨析】 2018-02-12 混合mix-fuse

mix: implies a homogeneous product but may OR may not imply loss of each element's identity: ~ the salad greens. (homogeneous表示相同种类,见2018-02-13 相似similar-identical)

mingle: sug. that the elements are still somewhat distinguishable and separately active: fear ~ with anticipation in my mind.

commingle: implies a closer or more thorough unity or harmony: a sense of duty ~ with a fierce pride.

blend: implies the elements as such disappear in the resulting mixture: ~ several teas to create a balanced brew.

merge: sug. a combining in which one or more elements are lost in the whole: in her mind reality and fantasy ~.

coalesce: implies affinity in the merging elements and a resulting organic unity: telling details that ~ into a striking portrait.

amalgamate: sug. forming of a close union RATHER THAN loss of identities: new immigrants that were readily ~ into the population.

fuse: stress the oneness and indissolubility in the resulting product: a building in which modernism and classicism are ~.

mix: 产物均匀相同(种类),个体消失保留, mingle: 各部分仍独立可辨, commingle: 更紧密充分的和谐一体, blend: 所有个体均消失, merge: 一或多个个体消失, coalesce: 成分接近,形成有机整体, amalgamate: 表示紧密结合而非失去个体, fuse熔合: 强调一体不可分

记忆方法: 1)ABC MMM CFAmerican Born Chinese Mei Mei Mei Chong Feng: 美国华人三妹妹重逢<==混合汇合

          2)混合的意思是将多个事物合在一起mean to combine or to be combined into a more or less uniform whole.